About Endodontics

Endodontics, or root canal treatment, is used when the soft tissue inside the teeth containing the nerve, blood and lymph vessels(pulp) is traumatised.


You need root canal treatment if you have sensitivity to cold or hot, pain that starts during chewing or at night, discolouration of your tooth or swelling on your jaws or nearby lymph nodes.


Unkempt hygiene, deep cavities or breakage on the tooth causes infection in this soft tissue inside the tooth. If this soft tissue isn’t removed, it causes further infection in the surrounding area. To prevent this, the pulp needs to be removed and remaining canal should be filled with the appropriate materials.


With modern anesthesia, pain during treatment is prevented. Infected pulp tissue is removed, then remaining canals are shaped and filled. That way, the tooth will be desensitised to stimuli.


Root canal treatment is followed by a filling or other restorations depending on the situation of the tooth.

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Root Canal Treatment

How does a root canal treatment save a tooth?

After the pulp (nerve package) inside a tooth is extracted, the root canal is cleaned and reshaped and the tooth is either filled or topped with a crown restoration. That way, a tooth can keep functioning normally like a healthy tooth.

Does a root canal treatment hurt?

With modern anesthesia materials and techniques, pain during treatment will be minimal. However there can be sensitivity or pain on the teeth for a few days after.


Your dentist might prescribe a painkiller for you.

Tüm bu şikayetler için ağrı kesici alınması hekiminiz tarafından önerilebilmektedir.

Can any tooth get a root canal treatment?

Sometimes it might be impossible to treat some teeth. If the canals are blocked, roots are damaged, there’s not enough bone structure or the cavity is too deep to restore, root canal will not be sufficient to save the tooth.

Does a root canal treatment kill the tooth?

This statement is false. With root canal treatment, the soft tissue inside the tooth is removed, however with the surrounding blood vessels and bone structure, the tooth continues to function normally, while being desensitised to outside stimuli. After a root canal, normal structure of the tooth is restored by either a filling or crown restoration. That way the tooth can function as normal.

kanal tedavisi eskişehir-diş doktoru sinem aydınmakina-kanal tedavisi

Questions & answers

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is the treatment where the soft tissue inside the tooth is removed by a material called “file”, and reshaped to be filled with a biologically friendly material.

Does a root canal treatment hurt?

In acute cases a root canal treatment can be painful, otherwise it’s not a painful treatment.

Why would someone need root canal treatment?

You need root canal treatment if you have sensitivity to cold or hot, pain that starts during chewing or at night, discolouration of your tooth or swelling on your jaws or nearby lymph nodes. These situations Show the infection of the soft tissue inside the tooth. If not treated, this infection will spread to the surrounding bone and soft tissue, and this tooth will need to be extracted.

How long does root canal treatment take?

Depending on the situation, it might take one session, or more.

Couldn’t find the answer?

If you wish, you can contact us about what you wonder about root canal treatment, or you can send your question to us via the form below.
