About Dental Implants

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are artifical roots placed into the jaws in place of lost or missing teeth. In our clinic, dental implant surgeries are done under local anesthesia, with implants chosen according to the height and structure of the patient’s bone. The surgery is typically done withing 10 minutes. In cases where bone structure isn’t enough for implants, additional operations can be done such as bone grafting.

After the implant is placed, a waiting period starts to let the bone heal and connect with implant material. This period typically lasts 2-3 months, but can be longer depending on the patient’s healing levels. After this period, a base in the shape of a prepared tooth is placed on the implants, then the treatment is finished with the specific denture being placed on this base.

There’s constant research done about implant treatments, which significantly increased the success rate of implants in recent years. Surface qualities of a dental implant, made from titanium, shows great adaptation to bone structure and has no toxic effects on human body.

eskişehir diş hekimi implant

Why dental implant?

Dental Implants

* Provides a one-to-one chewing function instead of lost teeth.
* It is longer lasting, hygienic and healthy compared to other applications.
* Intact teeth do not need to be cut.
* It prevents deformities and slips as it fills the empty tooth areas in the mouth.
* Provides a more aesthetic smile with minimal tissue loss.
* It ensures that completely edentulous patients have fixed teeth instead of total prostheses (removable palate).
neden implant

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Questions & answers

How is dental implant surgery done?

Dental implants, made from titanium, are placed inside the jaws where missing teeth have been. The procedure is done by dental surgeons.

How long does this treatment last?

The length of this treatment changes depending on the healing capacity of the patient.

Is this a painful surgery?

It takes our surgeons approximately 5 minutes to place one dental implant. The operation is done under local anesthesia, and effective painkillers are issued for the patient afterwards. Most of our patients Express they didn’t experience any pain.

Can anyone have a dental implant placed?

Whether a dental implant is suitable or not depends on the bone structure of the patient. If there’s enough healthy bone, a dental implant can be placed.

How long can I use this dental implant?

While there are patients who have been using their dental implant for longer than 40 years, long term success of this treatment depends on the patient. There are a few situations that might decrease long term success rate such as: lacking dental hygiene, infection of the gums, cigarette and alcohol consumption.

Couldn’t find the answer?

If you wish, you can contact us about what you wonder about Dental Implant, or you can send your question to us via the form below.
